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Research - European Pain Federation
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In 2022, EFIC kicked off the work on our pain research strategy working with a multidisciplinary steering committee. The pain strategy will serve as a foundation stone for European pain research plans for years to come. The overall vision will be to optimise understanding and management of pain through promoting high-quality, collaborative basic, pre-clinical, translational, and clinical research.


The Federation also provides grants and fellowships for researchers. The Federation has also taken part in research consortia via programs funded by the European Commission, such as Horizon 2020 and the Innovative Medicines Initiative.


Our Clinical Task Forces are an important part of the Federation’s work, aiming to influence clinical practice through the dissemination of guidelines, standards, documents and position papers. The Research Committee will oversee this work and aim to instil strong research methodologies within each of the Task Forces to ensure the final product is robust.

EFIC Pain Research Strategy

Collaborate with EFIC

Grants and Prizes

Pain Scientist Network

COVID-19 and Pain